How to use GitKash to save on your Pacific Precious Metals transactions.

Download the GitKash app

Simply create your account to start saving!

GitKash mobile app screeenshots showcasing the procedure of finding a retailer that uses GitKash
Within the GitKash app, click on Redeem

You will enter the homepage where you can browse for cashback deals.

At the bottom navigation bar, click on the center icon to redeem your receipt.

GitKash mobile app screeenshots showcasing the procedure of finding a retailer that uses GitKash
Depending on the type of receipt you have, there are multiple ways to redeem

Option 1

Place the receipt on a flat surface with the whole receipt visible in the frame, then press the blue button. The next screen will show a preview, if the photo looks readable then press "use".

Option 2

If the receipt is too large to fit in one screen. Keep the first half in the frame and press the blue button . On the next screen press "add" at the top . And do the same for the bottom half. Then press "use".

Option 3

You can also use a screenshot of the receipt from your phone's library press this icon : Then select the photo and press "use".

Screenshots of the GitKash app showcasing using different receipts/methods of uploading a receipt for redeeming your cashback.
Press on the "Messages" button

This will bring you to the messages screen to see if the referral went through successfully

If there was an issue the message will explain what needs to be fixed to try again!

Image showcasing the flow after uploading the receipt, guiding the user to proceed to the Messages section
Press "View" on the top message

If successful, your cashback will automatically be added to your GitKash account.

GitKash mobile app screeenshots showcasing the procedure of finding a retailer that uses GitKash

Thanks for using GitKash!

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